
New Champion 1/4/2015 @ 15 months old
New Grand Champion 11/20/2015 at 26 months old.
GCH CH Bellathatch Dancing in the Rain
Date of Birth:  9/19/2013



 OFA Hips: Good    OFA Elbows: Normal    OFA Heart: Normal - Cardiologist, Echo    Optigen: Normal   
 EIC: Carrier    Eyes cleared annually    Full Dentition    Dominant Black

Splash @ 8 weeks with his mom, Spree.


Splash @ 4 months.

Splash with Great Grandmother Thatcher


Grand Champion Points:
1/29/2015  Griffin KC: Best of Breed (4 points)- Karen Wilson
1/31/2015  Conyers KC: Best of Breed (5 points) - Judge Roger Hartinger
2/1/2015  Lawrenceville KC: Best of Breed (5 points) - Judge Kenneth Buxton
5/8/2015  Southeast Alabama KC:
Select Dog - Judge Anne Katona
8/21/2015  Sawnee Mountain KC: Best of Breed (4 points) - Judge Paula Nykiel
10/16/2015  Douglasville KC: Select Dog - Judge Pauline Hewitt
10/17/2015 Atlanta KC:  Select Dog - Judge Doug Johnson
10/18/2015  Newnan KC: Select Dog - Judge Jamie Hubbard
11/20/2015  Montgomery KC:  Select Dog (4 points) - Judge Linda Robey

Champion Points:

7/19/2014  Hilton Head KC:  Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best Puppy - Judge Charles Olvis   
                                  Sporting Puppy Group 1st out of 7 Sporting Dogs
8/23/2014  Lawrenceville KC:  Winners Dog - Judge Carol Jean Nelson
8/24/2014  Conyers KC:  Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite - Judge Sharon Lyons
9/11/2014  Greenville Mississippi KC:  Winners Dog - Judge Marilyn Spacht
9/12/2014  Mississippi State KC:  Winners Dog, Best of Winners - Judge Charlotte Patterson
                                  Best Bred By Sporting Group 2
9/14/2014  Mississippi State KC:  Winners Dog - Judge Mrs. Terry Carter 
9/26/2014  Warrenton KC:  Winners Dog - Judge Betty Wenner
9/27/2014  Warrenton KC:  Reserve Winners Dog - Judge Susan Willumsen
9/28/2014  LRC of Potomac:  Reserve Winners Dog - Judge Mary Cox
10/17/2014  Douglasville KC:  Reserve Winners Dog - Dana Cline
10/19/2014  Newnan KC: Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed - Judge Ed Bivin  
10/25/2014  Kennesaw KC: Reserve Winners Dog - Judge Nancy Gallant
10/26/2014  Kennesaw KC: Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex - Judge Robert Vandiver
1/4/2015  Clemson KC: 
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed - Judge Norman Kenney    




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 All Content @ 2018 Florence Jones
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